A Neighbourhood Plan is a document produced by the community which once accepted has statutory powers to influence planning decisions. It defines what local people value, want to conserve and enhance and further develop in terms of land use and further development in their area.
It also provides an historical and pictorial record of our community and sets out to document what makes Gerrards Cross so special.
Gerrards Cross is surrounded by Green Belt which maintains a natural gap between neighbouring towns and prevents urban sprawl. A Neighbourhood Plan will assist in safeguarding this Green Belt.
An adopted Neighbourhood Plan has equal statutory weight to the Local Plan.
The Gerrards Cross Draft Neighbourhood Plan is currently with the Independent Examiner appointed by Buckinghamshire Council, following the Regulation16 Public Consultation carried out last year.
What happens next
The examiner is currently considering public comments and ensuring that the plan meets the basic conditions in the Localism Act and other relevant regulations.
If the plan passes independent examination, the next stage is a local referendum to see whether it has community support. Each household and business in Gerrards Cross will then receive notification of the referendum date and a leaflet with full details and information.
If the neighbourhood plan is supported, we will adopt it as part of local planning policy to assess planning applications in the neighbourhood area.