The Gerrards Cross Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group received official notification from Buckinghamshire Council that they had found a suitable Independent Examiner to examine and provide a report on our Draft Plan. Having checked the Examiner’s Credentials the Steering Group have given approval for this appointment. For more information please use link

Who are the examiners?
Independent examiners have to be suitably qualified and experienced professionals. Most will be chartered town planners, but examiners also include planning lawyers, architects and surveyors and other related professionals. Often examiners will have worked in the public, private or academic sectors and have a wide range of experience. They must be independent: this means that they cannot have an interest in any land that may be affected by the neighbourhood plan or other conflicts of interest.

How neighbourhood plans are funded  The Government has allocated over £45m between 2018 – 2024 to support the development of neighbourhood plans or neighbourhood development orders.
It typically costs between £15,000 to £50,000 to produce a neighbourhood plan, including the referendum and examination. Costs may be higher if technical studies need to be conducted to support the plan.The cost of developing a neighbourhood plan is the responsibility of the parish or town council or neighbourhood forum and further through their Local Council (ie GXTC & Buckinghamshire Council) who has the duty to pay for the examination and referendum. As per the Localism Act 2011, the business community can contribute to the costs plus Grant Funds are available through

The Public Consultation of the Draft Gerrards Cross Neighbourhood Plan via Bucks Council was completed and closed 16th May 2024 at 11.59. We are awaiting the appointment by Buckinghamshire Council of an Independent Examiner ; during this examination the GX Steering Group will be tasked with answering questions based on the Regulation 16 Consultation responses.  To see the full Process please see our Process & Timeline page here

Please see our latest article here

Buckinghamshire Council start the Regulation 16 Submission Consultation of Gerrards Cross Draft Neighbourhood Plan – this will run for 7 weeks (allowing for Easter Bank Holidays).


Use the link below to see a map showing the Status of our Plan and all the made and emerging neighbourhood plans in Buckinghamshire.

Click here to view the map

Following our meeting on 9th November 2023, the Steering Group discussed ASSETS OF COMMUNITY VALUE

During our 14th September meeting we noted a desire to have GX Memorial Centre designated an Asset of Community Value (ACV). This means that should it come up for sale, the Community via the Town Council would have six months to make a bid before it went on the open market. In November 2023 we notified the GXCA of our intention to Nominate The Community Centre as an ACV, this nomination was then passed to GXTC to process via Buckinghamshire Council. We were formally advised that this Nomination has now been Accepted (see formal Acceptance here).

At Full Council meeting on 27th November GX Town Council approved and agreed that the Submission Draft Plan be put forward for examination to Buckinghamshire Council. Submission to our Local Planning Authority is the next stage in the Neighbourhood Plan Process.